March PsychUp Speakers
Daniel Bennett, Choice Architect, #ogilvychange

Daniel is a Choice Architect at #ogilvychange, the Behavioural Science practice which applies the thinking of Social Psychology, Cognitive Psychology and Behavioural Economics to Marketing. Mentored by world leading proponent of Behavioural Economics in Marketing; Rory Sutherland, Dan spent time carrying out and publishing Psychological research in Universities and now works across Europe on some of the worlds leading brands. So far Dan has applied Behavioural Science to call centres, shopping centres, apps, websites, pricing, health behaviour change and enjoys talking really loudly on his mobile in public places. He can be found tweeting @danbenyork.
Dan presented on, “The science behind why overhearing a mobile phone conversation can be so annoying?” Drawing upon scientific research carried out by himself and a team from the University of York’s Psychology department, he explored the findings behind what it is that makes a ‘halfalogue’ so irritating to be around.
Dr Jillian Ney, Dr of Social Media

Dr Jillian is the first Dr of Social Media in the UK and CEO of the social intelligence consultancy Disruptive Insight. Dr Jillian helps brands transform digital noise into valuable insight for business and understand their brand story online. She is also a visiting academic at The University of Strathclyde where she lectures on digital marketing and social media. She can be found tweeting @jillney.
Presentation, “Insight from the noise”. Dr Jillian’s focus was on Social media measurement and its growing concern for today’s modern marketer. She explored how current social media monitoring and analytics solutions fail to really measure social media engagement by seducing our heuristics and need to report big numbers. She introduced a new way to view social media measurement.
February PsychUp Speakers
Karen Haller, Brand Colour and Design Psycholgy Expert

Karen Haller is one of the leading authorities in the field of applied colour psychology, helping business owners worldwide create remarkable brand personalities. As their colour psychology expert, Karen represents clients to the media and outside authorities. She has consulted, trained and worked on campaigns for prestigious brands such as 3M Post-it, Thomas Pink, Humanscale, Dulux, Logitech, Argos and The Peggy Porschen Cake Academy. A published author, Karen is regularly featured in national magazines, newspapers and on radio. She is a contributing author of the leading industry book Colour Design: Theories and Applications. As a speaker Karen shared her Colour Intuition™ system at Grand Designs LIVE and her theories on colour in public spaces during the prestigious industry Clerkenwell Design Week. Karen presented on ‘The Colour of Money’. How colour influences purchasing behaviour and how you can, by colour alone, attract or repel your ideal customers.
If you missed it, you can take a look at Karen’s presentation here:
Craig Sullivan, Optimiser of Everything, Optimal Visit Ltd

Craig has been blending Psychological techniques, UX, Analytics, Split Testing and Conversion Optimisation since 2006. He’s also been building teams, launching products and hacking the growth of websites for companies like LOVEFiLM, John Lewis and Waitrose for nearly 12 years. You can find him tweeting from @OptimiseOrDie on all sorts of topics, including Neuropsychology, Mobile tech and Persuasion. Craig’s knowledge, engaging presentation style and practical tips make him a highly sought after speaker.
Craig presented on ‘The Neuromarketing Toolkit’. All these trendy names like Neuromarketing, Growth Hacking, Conversion Optimisation, Neuropsych and endless variations – what do they actually mean? Are there some foundational techniques, tools and approaches you can use in real life? What stuff really works? Whether you’re writing content or designing customer experiences – there are some insight methods and tools here you can be using to shift emotions and behaviour tomorrow.
If you missed it, you can take a look at Craig’s presentation here:
November PsychUp Speakers
Ian Randolph Head of Cognitive Modelling, Samos Analytics

Synthesising cutting edge research from choice psychology, Ian explains what online retailers and marketers miss about what drives our decisions in today’s environment of abundant choice — and how it robs us of satisfaction. Ian is the Head of Cognitive Modelling for Samos Analytics, a start-up funded by DARPA, the TSB, and private investors to make choosing online easy and satisfying – by helping people realise what is most important. Ian has a passion for the cognitive science of choice as a current collaborator with leading UX researchers at UCL and former instructor of Advanced Behavioural Decision Making at the London School of Economics. Ian holds degrees in Decision Science from the LSE and in Cognitive Science from Yale University.
Ian shared his current research into the Engagement Paradox — looking into how higher engagement drives lower conversion.
Alex Sass Managing Director, Hyperworld Control
Working both for his own agency and award winning London partner company Dynamo, Alex provides training and active moderation skills to a large number of high profile Facebook and Twitter accounts whilst concurrently managing over £1m in PPC support campaigns. A big fan of on/offline community integration, Alex has also hosted more than 150 social events in London and New York for the communities he builds. Alex’s SSS theory for social media production was the seed of some of the world’s first online social engines including deployments for the Department of Trade & Industry and The Arts Council of England. Alex presented on: “The Value of Social Phobia in Digital Marketing”
Karen Fewell Director, Digital Blonde

Karen’s interest is the relationship between food and social conversation and how it impacts behaviour. She is currently writing her book “#FoodPorn”. The book starts with with fine dining and finishes on food poverty and looks at areas such as: Does a food trend drive social conversation or does social drive the food trend? Can you tell someone has an eating disorder by their Instagram feed? Will social make or food choices healthier? Karen’s aim is to see how the food sharing habit can improve the mental and physical health of our nation and getting food to those here in the UK who are living below the poverty line. Karen presented research on her current book #FoodPsych, focusing on why people share food images via social networks.
October PsychUp Speakers
Adrian Cheok Professor of Pervasive Computing at City University London

Adrian has been working on research covering mixed reality, human-computer interfaces, wearable computers and ubiquitous computing, fuzzy systems, embedded systems and power electronics. His work includes creation of the Kissenger and other sensory computing including a nueroscience influenced experiment to stimulate taste using computers. He’s a TEDx speaker and definitely thinks outside the box! Adrian presented his research on “Multisensory Feeling Communication in the Hyperconnected Era”
Ed Hartigan Head of Social Media at iProspect

Ed has over 10 years’ experience in digital marketing, building online communities and social networks. Having previously involved in a number of start-ups, he joined I Spy Marketing in October 2011 as Head of Social Media and moved to iProspect in the same role following the acquisition in 2012. Ed oversees the accounts for Vauxhall, George at Asda,, Hormel Foods and Jobsite. Ed and Stephen presented together on their experiment, “The Science of Social: An Experiment of Influence”
Stephen Donajgrodzki Senior Partner at Equal

Stephen helped found EQUAL after spending nearly 4 years at the COI as a Strategic Marketing Consultant and 10 years working in media research and communications planning. At COI, he worked on projects including the Royal Navy and the Health & Safety Executive on a variety of communication topics from segmentation through to communication evaluation. Stephen led a number of behavioural insight projects and was one of the main authors of the Common Good Guide to Communications & Behaviour Change. As a member of the Behavioural Change management team, Stephen had an overview of the wide variety of COI initiatives, playing a critical role in ensuring the effective application of behavioural theory in outcome definition and strategy development.
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