It is unlikely that you go to your local supermarket, load up your trolley full of goodies, then leave it in the bread aisle and go home empty handed. However this is a common occurrence online. There it is in your basket, ready to go…then you close the window and it’s gone forever. So what can online retailers do to encourage you to take the plunge and complete the purchase? Research from vouchercloud has provided an interesting infographic that tracks the psychology of the potential buyer at all stages of the purchase process.
The study highlights the biggest reason for abandonment as being hidden charges at some point in the transaction. This is followed by having to register to the site to make a purchase, fashion retailer ASOS halved checkout abandonment rate by introducing a guest checkout option. The study shows customers are more likely to return to and have more confidence in a product or site that offers video as a visual representation of its products.
Also noteworthy, from the moment the potential customer logs on, you have just three seconds to capture their attention enough to stay on the site. The pressure is on.
Infographic from vouchercloud